Course Overview

The Cat Wizardry Course is designed to help cat owners and enthusiasts develop advanced cat training skills using positive reinforcement techniques. It is a great course for anyone who wants to take their cat training skills to the next level.

Who is this course for?

This course is for cat owners and enthusiasts who want to learn advanced cat training skills. It is suitable for people who have completed the Purrfect Foundation Course or have some experience with cat training.

What outcomes can I expect?

By the end of the course, you will have a deeper understanding of cat behavior and be able to train your cat to perform advanced behaviors and tricks.

What materials do I need?

For the Cat Wizardry course, you will need a computer or mobile device with internet connectivity to access the online course materials. You may also need some basic cat toys and treats to use during training exercises.

What are the benefits?

This course will teach you how to solve advanced behavior problems in cats, such as aggression and anxiety. You’ll learn how to teach your cat complex behaviors, like walking on a leash and using the toilet.

Cat Wizardry can help you improve your cat’s quality of life, and strengthen your relationship with them.

What will you learn?

  • Advanced training techniques for cats, including clicker training, shaping, and targeting
  • How to teach your cat complex behaviors, such as walking on a leash, playing fetch, and using the toilet
  • How to solve advanced behavior problems, such as aggression, anxiety, and fear
  • How to develop a strong bond with your cat and improve communication
  • How to solve common cat behavior problems

Great for any level of cat experience!

I’ve been a cat owner for years, but I still learned so much from the Cat Wizardry course. It’s comprehensive yet easy to follow, and the positive reinforcement techniques have really improved my bond with my cats.

Tabby cat on a road

Grace L.

We’ve reached an understanding…finally!

Cat Wizardry helped me understand my cat’s behavior and needs better than ever before. I highly recommend this course!

Domestic shorthair cat looking close to screen

James H.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never owned a cat before, is this course suitable for me?

Absolutely! Cat Wizardry is designed to cater to cat owners of all levels of experience. Whether you’re a seasoned cat owner or a first-time adopter, you’ll find valuable information in this course that will help you become the best cat parent you can be.

My cat is already well-behaved, why should I take this course?

While your cat may already be well-behaved, there’s always room for improvement. The Cat Wizardry course will teach you new techniques and strategies to strengthen your bond with your cat and improve their quality of life.

I’m worried about the time commitment, how much time will I need to devote to this course?

We understand that everyone’s schedules are different, which is why Cat Wizardry is designed to be flexible and self-paced. You can complete the course at your own pace, and you’ll have lifetime access to the course material, so you can revisit it anytime you need to.

I’m worried that my shy cat won’t benefit from Cat Wizardry. Can you reassure me?

Absolutely. Cat Wizardry is designed to help cats of all temperaments, including shy and anxious cats. By providing your cat with a safe and supportive environment, you can help them become more confident and relaxed.

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  1. How to teach your cat complex behaviors
  2. Solve advanced behavior problems
  3. Develop a strong bond with your cat and improve communication
  4. Press button
  5. Ring a bell
  6. Spin
  7. Wave
  8. Fetch